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How to Prevent Anxiety from Derailing Your Leadership emotional intelligence Sep 05, 2024


As a leader, a strong desire to make an impact on the people and organizations I serve drives me. For the most part, I've been able to align my actions with this motivation. However, I also struggle with generalized anxiety, a condition that extends far beyond the occasional worry that...

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Finding Healing Power and Joy in the Little Things Sep 02, 2024

I've always been an animal lover, and my home has never been complete without dogs, cats, and fish. Now that I spend most of my time working from my home office, my pets have become even more vital to me. They are my constant companions, day and night, sharing in everything I do....

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Embracing Transitions: Unlocking the Potential of Change Sep 01, 2024

August in Kentucky is a blend of lingering summer and intense heat, with temperatures nearing 100 degrees even as the end of the season draws near. This time of year often stirs a bit of melancholy in me as I find myself in that somewhat ambiguous space between summer and...

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The Power of Leadership Presence: Why It Matters and How to Cultivate It authenticity Aug 28, 2024


Leadership presence is an often-discussed yet somewhat elusive quality distinguishing influential leaders from capable managers. That intangible "it factor" commands attention, earns respect, and inspires others to follow. We know it when we see it, yet the presence details can...

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Find Joy in Your Work Now! emotional intelligence Aug 27, 2024



Have you noticed all the references to joy and joyfulness lately? It seems to me that joy references are popping up daily in the news. And why not? Wouldn't we all like a little joy in our lives? I, for one, have decided to find It. 

I have...

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Handling the Grief of Losing a Pet authenticity Aug 16, 2024

I lost my beloved dog, Lilly, last week, and my heart is shattered. She was more than just a pet—she was my little buddy, always at my feet while I worked, keeping me company between meetings, deadlines, and daily life's chaos.

When I had to cancel some client appointments to care for her...

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Psychological Safety: How to Create It For Yourself authenticity emotional intelligence Aug 02, 2024

At this point in my life and career, I mostly feel confident and clear about my leadership and what I aim to accomplish. But it wasn't always this way. There was a time when I felt vulnerable and uneasy in my role. I doubted my knowledge and capabilities and felt psychologically unsafe.


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Authenticity-What Does It Mean? authenticity Jul 19, 2024


Lately, I have been captivated by the concept of authenticity—what it means to be an authentic leader, friend, and human being.

This fascination began during a class I teach at Virginia Tech's Center for Leadership in Global Sustainability, where I serve as a Professor of Practice....

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How to Know When You are Becoming a Status Quo Leader authenticity Jul 18, 2024

Why are you still working? I often get this question, and sometimes, I struggle to find an answer that makes sense. I am certainly past the age when many of my friends and colleagues retire. I am financially secure and have a rich life filled with family, friends, and interests such...

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Distracted by Noise? Give In! emotional intelligence Jul 15, 2024

Recently, I’ve been having trouble focusing on my work. I attribute this persistent state of distraction to the constant noise around me: the appalling political news, the disasters cropping up around the world due to climate change, and the difficulty of the games I play daily in The ...

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How to Keep Your Focus on What Matters Most: Develop a Mission Statement emotional intelligence Jul 01, 2024

I am naturally curious and passionate about learning and exploring new endeavors. However, earlier in my career, I often jumped from one opportunity to another. My priorities shifted frequently, and my attention span was limited. It was as if I were a squirrel in a park full of acorns, darting...

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Taking the Right Stand or Standing in the Right Place Jun 27, 2024

Here I am in New York State, vacationing for a week like I do every summer. The Chautauqua Institution, described as “a catalyst for creative exploration, educational growth, relaxation, and recreation,” once again provides me with a much-needed respite from day-to-day...

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