Leadership Presence: Be Authentic and Own the Room (or Stage )

authenticity emotional intelligence leadership style Sep 11, 2024
Leadership presence in a debate

After watching last night’s presidential debate, I reflected on the often elusive concept of leadership presence. It’s a term frequently described in phrases like “looking presidential,” “owning the stage,” or “commanding attention.” Leadership presence has been a hot topic lately in discussions and media coverage.

And even though I do not want to participate in a political debate (and that is an understatement), I want to demonstrate a leadership presence. 

Leadership presence can feel intangible—something we recognize when we see it but struggle to define clearly.

Perhaps we can learn by examining those who exude it. 

By identifying what we see when we recognize "presence," we can better understand what leadership presence entails.  Here are a few of my recent insights:

Authentic Leadership Is Grounded in Self-Awareness, Transparency, and Integrity

Authentic leaders who exude presence have a balanced self-perception. They possess a clear understanding of both their strengths and areas for improvement. There’s no need to exaggerate their achievements or present themselves as flawless. This honesty allows them to build genuine relationships with others because they come across as approachable, relatable, and trustworthy.

  • Avoiding Exaggeration of Virtues: Leaders who constantly emphasize their strengths risk appearing arrogant or out of touch. Instead, authentic leaders demonstrate their capabilities through actions, allowing their results to speak for themselves. They recognize their value without needing external validation through boasting or overconfidence.
  • Acknowledging Weaknesses Without Downplaying: Authentic leaders are also comfortable acknowledging their weaknesses or areas for development. Rather than brushing off their shortcomings, they embrace them as opportunities for growth. This openness fosters a culture of learning and self-improvement, benefiting both the leader and their team.

Those With Presence Demonstrate Self-Confidence Without Arrogance

Achieving the balance between self-confidence and humility is essential to authentic leadership. Confidence is about believing in one's abilities and expressing that belief in a way that inspires others. Arrogance, on the other hand, is rooted in an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

  • Focusing on Actions, Not Boasting: Confident leaders let their actions and results speak for themselves rather than continuously touting their accomplishments. They deliver on their promises but don’t need to boast or remind others of their success.
  • Giving Credit to Others: Arrogant leaders often seek recognition for themselves, while confident leaders generously credit their teams. They understand leadership is about empowering others and recognize that collective effort leads to success.
  • Staying Grounded in Facts, Not Ego: Confident leaders base their opinions and decisions on facts, experience, and knowledge rather than trying to impress others. They rely on objective reasoning and data when making decisions and are comfortable being challenged. In contrast, arrogant leaders may reject differing opinions to protect their ego.

They Demonstrate an Internalized Moral Perspective

Leadership presence includes behaving in line with deeply held personal values and ethics, even under pressure. Authentic leaders act with integrity, aligning their decisions and behaviors with ethical principles.

  • Acting With Integrity: Leaders with a strong internal moral compass consistently act with integrity and fairness, creating a stable foundation of trust. They treat everyone fairly, regardless of status or background, and don't let personal biases influence their judgment. This commitment to fairness is evident in their decision-making and conflict resolution.

Authentic leaders possess a self-awareness grounded in humility while demonstrating self-confidence without crossing into arrogance. Their actions, driven by a deeply ingrained moral compass, build trust and inspire those around them. By embracing these qualities, leaders can own the stage and create lasting impact through integrity, empathy, and a genuine connection with others.



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